- The porous silica microspheres are new fabricated. So both porous and nonporous silicas are available now from us. The brief introduction is as follows,
Surface status: Porous or Nonporous
Paritcle size : 1.5μm, 2μm, 3μm, 4μm, 5μm
Mean pore size: 9 nm
Advantages : Ultra high purity and mechanical strength
High resolution (at high flow rates with steep gradient)
High Speed and throughput separation
Higher sensitivity
Much less consumption of mobile phase
Monodispersed packing generates lower operational back pressures (higher flow rates), excellent choice for peptides, amino acids, tryptic digests, nucleotides, food samples; The silica microparticles are ideal packings for UPLC (ultra performance liquid chromatography), HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), FLC (fast liquid chromatography) and Capillary columns.
For further information, please refer to the technical notes or contact us directly.
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